Public Safety Grant Writing Training Class


We Speak Grants!
Our interactive courses de-mystify public safety grants and discuss grant programs in your language. Many grant training programs provide general information about grants, but don’t provide the specific tips and guidelines that first responders need. First Responder Grants serves up the “meat and potatoes” details on how to “give them what they want,” so you can win the funding, training and equipment your agency needs.

We train first responders nationwide to understand, apply for and win public safety grants. Our consultants have the public safety experience and grants expertise necessary to train grant writers just like you.

Our grant writing training students learn to write competitive grants that bring home additional funding dollars to your agency, but that’s not all. Our students maintain a documented +80% success rate at winning a grant award after attending our classes… many on their very first application.

  • Date: 10/26/2016
  • Address: Delta College Public Safety & Training , 1961 Delta Rd - Room J-131 University Center, MI  48710
  • Cost: $450
  • Website:
  • Contact Person: Margaret Stark
  • Contact E-mail:
  • Contact Phone:
  • Topics: Grant Writing,

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